WordPress Customization
According to WordPress creator Matt Mullenweg, almost 20% of all sites on the web today run on WordPress. Even more stunning: WordPress blogs worldwide receive 4 billion hits—per month! That’s almost as many hits as our website gets (just kidding, we wish!)WordPress is kind of a big deal. In fact, it’s likely that you’re either running your business site on WordPress right now, or you’ve considered it.
If you’re running it, you may be wondering how you can maximize its efficiency and generate greater conversions. If you’re considering using it, you’re probably thinking something along the lines of "sure everyone says it’s easy for them, but is it easy for me? Heck, do I even have time?"
Custom Theme Design
UX and UI design
Responsive Website
We understand where you’re coming from. Making that leap over to a new platform can be daunting no matter who you are.Which is why we are excited to offer our specialized services focused entirely around WordPress and the programming languages that support it. Over the years we’ve gathered the expertise necessary to provide a wide range of WordPress services in the Houston area and beyond, including:
• Distinctive and completely customizable themes
• Specialized widgets
• Business apps
• Graphical posters
• Plug-ins, specialty forms, shopping carts and everything else you can imagine!
You can do amazing and exciting things with WordPress. Plenty of it we can teach you, such as posting messages to your blog and changing homepage content. But for the more advanced stuff, there’s no better company than Houston’s EZQ Marketing & Consulting to get you on the platform now, today, this very minute!
What are you waiting for? Get WordPressing with EZQ today!